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Writer's pictureNancy Hovde

Trust Faith Believe

Perhaps you have recently made, or would like to make, a major change or have found yourself in a transition. This change or transition may be in your job/career, going back to school, change of status in a relationship or moving to a new city. Maybe you are feeling very concerned about the unknown of what will follow and how you will get through the transition. Once you have made a decision or find yourself in a transition, it is important to then trust, faith and believe that the right solutions, right people and resources will be there when they are needed.

Below are some tips I have shared with clients that help allow trust, faith and believing, to be your support, guide and courage when you've made a choice or find yourself in a transition. Trust, faith and believe that the right sources, right people and right timing will unfold. See and feel the bigger picture.

  • You can expect little doubts to creep in. That's okay. We can become aware of them and confront them and even use these doubts, worries and fears to act as guidance and clarity. When we are feeling a lower emotion, such as doubt or anxiety, we can use these feelings as guidance to what is not working and how we can fine-tune things. At the end of each day, take a quick inventory of everything in your day that has actually gone right. What has flowed smoothly? What went well? What small task did you accomplish that allowed you to feel organized, responsible or empowered? Allowing yourself to feel really good about these things can help put the focus on what is going right and build more trust and faith.

  • It is not always easy, but try to let go of being judgmental or overly opinionated about everything. The more non-judgment we practice the more we tend to be more open to new possibilities or at least more open to consider different perspectives or new options.

  • Take little inspirational action steps whenever you feel a twinge of anxiety, doubt or fear. It is action that helps to overcome and squash out fear or that feeling of being "stuck in your tracks". Sometimes just walking through the challenges we face, to get to the other side, can empower us with strength. Embracing the chaos and confusion with focused energy, can offer calmness and a deep feeling of peace in not knowing all the answers, but trusting the right answers will be there at the right time. Even the smallest step or action that will move you more toward your desire, dream or goal can offer encouragement, rather than stay frozen in fear, anxiety or doubt. View any obstacles on your path as personal growth opportunities and keep moving forward even when you don't know the outcome, this can allow your faith to grow.

  • Think back to a time when you did something really brave or courageous. What challenges or obstacles did you have to contend with but still achieved what you had set out to do? Remind yourself that you can get through challenging times by calling on your resilience to stay persistent with your goals. When something comes up that is not appearing to be going the way you wanted it to, instead of reacting immediately, take a moment to look at all your options. Often, some of the most amazing possibilities and the best option will become obvious.

  • Know that it is okay to make some tweaks as you go along. So, you have made a choice. Something goes wrong or not the way you had planned. Recognize that everything will not be perfect. It is not necessary to hold a firm grip on any outcome you have, just focus on trust and keep believing along the way and allow faith to guide you on your journey. Integrating mindfulness and reflection into our day can be wonderful, supportive tools to keep us on track while we make the right tweaks or slight changes in our plan.Trust the process, everything happens at just the right time.

  • Think about who in your life supports and empowers you? Consider having a mentor or coach to inspire you during a transitional time and help guide you in overcoming any obstacles along the way.

  • Rely on your strong why. Having a strong reason, a "true purpose" as to why you want this change is what can help keep you on track and help you in continuing to pursue and keep believing, keep trusting that the right outcome will happen.

  • Lastly, sometimes just focusing on how you want to feel, instead of focusing on all the details, is what works best. Focus on how you want to feel when you've reached your goal. Recall a time when you achieved something very important to you or received exactly what you wanted. How did you feel when that happened? Feel that same feeling now and as much as possible.

Big dreams, goals and change need nurturing, start with small steps and keep believing! Faith enhances trust and counters out fear. Keep believing in your goals.

Trust, Faith, Believe!

Contact me to create positive changes, explore next steps in your career and life. Learn more about my Self Discovery Coaching.

Create your Uber Empowerment Plan, Uber Empowerment. Make time for reflection, inspiration and empowerment, Uber Empowering Quotes: 500 Inspirational Quotes for Knowledge, Insight & Wisdom.

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